Best Gastrologist In Bikaner – Dr. Nikhil Gandhi


Kothari Hospital, NH 11 Jaisalmer Road,
Bikaner, Rajasthan 334001


5 PM to 8 PM
Transport Gali, Gangashahar Road, Opp. Laxmi Building, Bikaner, Rajasthan 334001
Portrait of Dr. Nikhil Gandhi, a top gastrologist in Bikaner, in his medical office, wearing a white coat and stethoscope, smiling confidently.

Dr. Nikhil Gandhi

(Gold Medalist)

M.D. (Medicine), D.M. (Gastroenterology), Stomach, Intestine, Liver and Pancreas Disease Specialist

About Us

Dr. Nikhil Gandhi, a leading gastroenterologist, offers comprehensive care for digestive health concerns. With a commitment to excellence and patient well-being, our clinic is dedicated to improving your digestive health for a happier, healthier you.
Dr. Nikhil Gandhi, top gastroenterologist in Bikaner, exudes confidence and warmth in his modern medical office.

Happy Patients

Dr. Nikhil Gandhi's Gastro Clinic in Bikaner

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Emergency Care

Our Medical Services

Comprehensive healthcare solutions for your well-being. Trusted professionals, cutting-edge treatments, compassionate care. Discover excellence in Our Medical Service today!


Frequently Asked Questions

Dr. Gandhi specializes in managing various digestive health issues, including portal hypertension, chronic pancreatitis, and autoimmune liver disease.
Appointments can be scheduled through our website or by contacting our clinic directly at 7597741640.
Our clinic accepts a wide range of insurance plans. Please contact us for specific details.
Please bring any previous medical records, a list of current medications, and your insurance information.
Preparation varies by procedure. You’ll receive detailed instructions beforehand to ensure safety and effectiveness.

Patient Education

कोलन कैंसर (Colon Cancer) को समझें: रोकथाम, शुरुआती पहचान और उपचार

कोलन कैंसर (Colon Cancer) को समझें: रोकथाम, शुरुआती पहचान और उपचार कोलन कैंसर (Colon Cancer) एक गंभीर बीमारी है जो बड़ी आंत (Colon) या मलाशय (Rectum) में शुरू होती है। यह बीमारी आमतौर पर आंत की दीवार में छोटे, गैर-कैंसरयुक्त पॉलीप्स के रूप में शुरू होती है

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Person wearing blue gloves holds a notepad that reads "GERD - Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease" at a desk with medical items, highlighting GERD के लक्षण और उपचार.

GERD के लक्षण: प्रारंभिक पहचान और समय पर उपचार: डॉक्टर से कब परामर्श करें

  GERD के लक्षण: प्रारंभिक पहचान और समय पर उपचार: डॉक्टर से कब परामर्श करें </h2 > परिचय: गैस्ट्रोएसोफेगल रिफ्लक्स डिजीज (GERD) एक पुरानी पाचन समस्या है जो लाखों लोगों को प्रभावित करती है। यह तब होता है जब पेट का एसिड अक्सर भोजन नली में वापस

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